Until February 28, 2025
The committee expects for all speakers to pre-register.
Please note that your presentation will be canceled if you don't register.
Word limit: 300 words or less.
Up to 4 figures or tables (Please upload files with jpg extension only)
Your abstract should meet the minimum format requirements including 'Purpose', 'Methods', 'Results', and 'Conclusion'.
Oral presentation or E-poster
The 'Oral presentation' you submitted may be changed to 'E-poster' with your agreement.
Presentation time 7min, Q&A 3min, Total 10 minutes
The e-poster can be viewed as a PDF on the conference website and at DID on the day of the event.
All you have to do is submit the file.
Powerpoint, widescreen, must be created as 1 page vertically.
Pentaid (* Conference agency)
- Tel. / +82-2-2267-2296
- E-mail / cmyk25@gmail.com